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  • David R. Stroup

First Look: Xining

We're now officially in the homestretch. I'm here in Xining, my very last case study. I've been in town a few days, and I'm still in the process of getting to know and understand the city. There's a lot to wrap my head around here. For one thing, Xining is a very diverse city. In addition to Han and Hui, there are also Tibetan, Salar, Tu (Mongour), Dongxiang and Bao'an communities in this city. That means you can hear a wide variety of languages just walking down the streets. On some days you can hear the call to prayer in the afternoon and then catch the sound of people doing group dancing to Tibetan pop songs in the public squares in the evenings. It's a city that's heavily Buddhist and heavily Muslim at the same time. It's a city that's wedged in a valley between rough hills. It's a city that's rapidly developing. Put shortly, it's a really interesting place to be. So, here's a first look at the city. Once I get my bearings a little more fully, you can expect more to come. For now, enjoy the photos!

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