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  • David R. Stroup

On Hui pop music and performing the nation.

I've written before on this blog about how China's minorities are occasionally portrayed as essentialized caricatures. Often this means minority musical ensembles dressed in colorful, traditional costume, singing pop versions of folk songs from their traditional culture about drinking, love, nature or, occasionally, all three. Usually this also means that the vocal perfomers or dancers tend to be women, and that the performance often skews toward a somewhat (if not very) sensual vibe. This is often the case with the performances of minority groups from Southwestern Yunnan province. Take this video of a Dai minority folk song called "Bamboo Under the Moonlight," for example:

Dru C. Gladney has pointed out that the sensual dancing minority girl meme works less well for China's Islamic minorities whose women's costumes emphasize modesty. But then, there's the song below from the singer Ha Hui, called (imaginatively), "Hui Girl."

It's a pretty strange little bit of pop culture. There's the whole Bollywood-inspired dance routine and musical tone. There's the "One Thousand and One Arabian Nights" as a bad prom theme kind of feel to the choreography and scenery in the video. There's the fact that the spoken language that comes in before the start of the song sounds like its Uyghur or some other Turkic language instead of Arabic or Chinese (languages assoicated with the Hui). There are all the backup dancers wearing hijabs and holding cups of tea. It's like the video basically became a pastiche of Arabesque or Islamic visual and musical themes, with a bunch of lyrics (which you'll find below) about nothing in particular.

In any case, here are the lyrics:






















Hui Girl- Ha Hui

When you look on her face

You’ll see an ocean of kindness

When you look into her eyes

You’ll find a dreamlike paradise.

Ai ai ya! Ai ai ya! Ai ai ya ya!

You’ll find a dreamlike paradise.

Kind, compassionate, beautiful, Hui girl

Just like a sweet fragrance sprinkled on a man’s heart

Kind, compassionate, beautiful, Hui girl

She is the most beautiful golden phoenix on heaven or earth.

When you’re by her side,

You’ll know how love songs are sung.

When you’re in her heart,

You’ll feel like life is always lucky

Ai ai ya! Ai ai ya! Ai ai ya ya!

You’ll feel like life is always lucky

Kind, compassionate, beautiful, Hui girl

Just like a like a beautiful dream in so many people’s slumbers

Kind, compassionate, beautiful, Hui girl

She is the most beautiful crescent moon in the night sky.

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